Fluke 190 II sorozatú Oszcilloszkópok


  • Hordozható nagy teljesítményű 4 csatornás precíziós oszcilloszkóp
  • 60MHZ, 100MHz, 200MHz és 500MHz sávszélesség
  • Rendkívül gyors 625MS/s, 1.25GS/s, 2.5GS/s és 5GS/s valós idejű mintavételezési sebesség
  • Színes LCD kijelzővel
  • 100 minta eltárolása a memóriába
  • Csatornánként 10.000 pontos jelalak felbontás
  • Frekvencia Spektrum Analízis FFT használatával



Bandwidth 100 MHz
Number of channels 100 MHz: 2 channels
Real-time sample rate 1.25 GS/s
Inputs 2 scope plus DMM input
Independently floating isolated inputs Up to 1000 V CAT III/600 V CAT IV between inputs, references and ground
Timebase range 5 ns – 2 min/div
Input sensitivity 2 mV-100 V/div
Trigger types Connect-and-View™, Free Run, Single Shot, Edge, Delay, Dual Slope, Video, Video Line, Selectable pulse width, N-Cycle
Trigger source Any scope input channel
Glitch capture 8 ns
Scope measurements Cursor: 7
Automatic: 30
Maximum record length ScopeRecord mode: 30,000 pts
Scope mode: 10,000 pts per input
Persistence Digital persistence giving analog oscilloscope-like waveform decay
Waveform compare Waveform reference with automatic Pass/Fail testing
DMM Specification
Meter inputs (also used as External Trigger Input for the Oscilloscope Mode) 4 mm banana inputs, fully isolated from scope inputs and from scope ground
Maximum resolution 5000 counts
Measurements VDC, VAC rms, VAC + DC rms, Resistance, Continuity, Diode Test, Current (through clamp or shunt), Temperature °C or °F (using optional converter)
Memory Screen + Setup: 30
> Recording: 10
Display 153 mm full color LCD with fast update rate
Environmental Specifications
Operating temperature 0 °C to 40 °C Including Batteries
0 °C to 50 °C Excluding Batteries
Storage temperature -20 °C to +60 °C
Operating altitude Up to 2,000 m (6666 ft) for CAT IV 600 V, CAT III 1000 V
Up to 3,000 m (10,000 ft) for CAT III 600 V, CAT II 1000 V
Safety Specifications
Electrical safety 1,000 V CAT III/600 V CAT IV (EN61010-1)
Mechanical and General Specifications
Size 270 x 190 x 70 mm
Weight 2.2 kg
Warranty 3-years on main instrument, 1-year on accessories
Li-Ion battery BP290 2400 mAh battery up to 4 hours included standard
Included Accessories
Two channel models VPS410 Voltage Probe Sets (one red, one blue)
TL175 TwistGuard™ safety designed Test Lead Set (red and black)
BC190 Battery Charger/mains Adapter
BP290 2400 mAh Li-ion Battery
> Handstrap (affixed to instrument)
Multi-Language User Manuals on CD-Rom
FlukeView ScopeMeter® demo package (restricted functionality)
USB Interface Cable
Warranty Three years on main instrument, one year on accessories



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