Fluke 719Pro Nyomás kalibrátor


  • Beépített elektromos pumpa, egykezes működtetés
  • Precíziós nyomásszabályzó a pontos nyomáskalibrálás érdekében
  • 0.025 %pontosság referenciatávadók kalibrálásához
  • 30 PSI, 150 PSI és 300 PSI nyomástartományú modellek
  • Programozható nyomásérték határral a túlnyomás elkerülése érdekében
  • Programozható program nyomásértékek
  • Csatlakoztatható külső nyomásmodulok a 700Pxx sorozatból
  • Pumpa tisztító csatlakozások
  • Precíziós hőmérsékletmérés opcionális ellenálláshőmérővel



Fluke-719Pro-30G Range -12 to 30 psi / -0.8 to 2 bar
Resolution 0.001 psi / 0.0001 bar
Fluke-719Pro-150G Range -12 to 150 psi / -0.8 to 10 bar
Resolution 0.01 psi / 0.001 bar
Fluke-719Pro-300G Range -12 to 300 psi / -0.8 to 20 bar
Resolution 0.01 psi / 0.001 bar
Accuracy ±0.025% of full scale, 6 months
±0.035% of full scale, 1 year
Temperature effect (all ranges) Add ±0.002% F.S./°C for temps outside of 15°C to 35°C
Dry air and non-corrosive gas only
No effect on accuracy on all functions from 15°C to 35°C
Function Range Resolution Accuracy (1 year)
mA DC (simulation and measurement) 0-24 mA DC 0.001 mA ±0.015% of reading ±2 counts
1000 ohm maximum load in mA source, 26 V DC maximum voltage in mA simulate
Volts DC (measurement only) 30 V DC 0.001 V ±0.015% of reading ±2 counts
No AC voltage measurement, do not exceed 30 V DC
Temperature (measurement only, Pt100 RTD) -50 to 150°C
(-50°F to 302°F)
Temperature ±0.1°C (0.2°F)
±0.25°C (±0.45°F) combined uncertainty when using 720 RTD probe (optional accessory)
Loop power supply 24 V DC N/A 24 mA at 24 V
Temperature effect (all functions) Add ±0.002% F.S./°C for temps outside of 15°C to 35°C
No effect on accuracy on all functions from 15°C to 35°C
Operating temperature -10°C to +50°C
Storage temperature (with batteries) Per battery manufacturer’s specification within storage specification below
Storage temperature (without batteries) -20°C to +60°C
Power Requirements
Battery Eight (8) standard Alkaline AA batteries
Battery life 300 pump cycles to 150 psi minimum; 1000 pump cycles to 30 psi; 100 pump cycles to 300 psi minimum
Dimensions (H x W x D) 24.13 x 11.18 x 7 cm (9.5 x 4.4 x 2.8 in)
Weight With holster 1.2 kg (2.5 lb)
Pressure 1/8 inch female NPT
Electrical Standard banana jacks
RTD 4 pin miniature circular
External module 6 pin miniature circular
Engineering Units (Configurable)
psi, bar, mbar, kPa, kgcm2, cmH2O @ 4°C, cmH2O @ 20°C, mH2O @ 4°C, mH2O @ 20°C, inH2O @ 4°C, inH2O @ 20°C, inH2O @ 60°F, mmHg @ 0°C, inHg @ 0°C, ftH2O @ 4°C, ftH2O @ 20°C, ftH2O @ 60°F