Fluke 729 automatikus nyomás kalibrátor

  • Könnyedén dokumentálja a folyamatot a beépített mérési jegyzőkönyvvel
  • Automatikus belső finom nyomás szabályzás
  • Mér, forrásként is működik és szimulál 4-20 mA jeleket
  • 24V hurok táplálás a jeladók működtetéséhez teszt alatt
  • Fényes dupla vagy tripla csatornás színes grafikus kijelző
  • HART kommunikáció a HART Smart jeladók teszteléséhez
  • Beépített szivárgás teszt, hogy biztosan ellenőrizni beállításokat szivárgásra
  • Strapabíró hordozható kivitel
  • Fluke Connect® Applikáció lehetőség
  • Hőmérséklet mérés az opcionális 720RTD mérőfejjel
  • DC feszültség mérés 1V-5V kimenetű jeladókhoz
  • Kompatibilis a Fluke 700 és 750 sorozatú nyomásmérő modulokkal
  • A dokumentált mérési eredmények feltölthetőek a DPCTrack2™ Calibration Management szoftverbe
  • Többnyelvű menü
  • Innovatív félmerev hordtáska, melyet a terepi használatra terveztek
  • Méretek: 70 x 279,4 x 172,7 mm
  • Tömeg: 2.95kg
  • Garancia 3 év


729 30G
Psi range, resolution -12.0000 to 30.0000 psi
Bar range, resolution -0.82737 to 2.06842 bar
kPa range, resolution -82.737 to 206.843 kPa
Comment No wireless communication
729 150G
Psi range, resolution -12.000 to 150.000 psi
Bar range, resolution -0.8273 to 10.3421 bar
kPa range, resolution -82.73 to 1034.21 kPa
Comment No wireless communication
729 300G
Psi range, resolution -12.000 to 300.000 psi
Bar range, resolution -0.8273 to 20.6843 bar
kPa range, resolution -82.73 to 2068.43 kPa
Comment No wireless communication
729 30G FC
Psi range, resolution -12.0000 to 30.0000 psi
Bar range, resolution -0.82737 to 2.06842 bar
kPa range, resolution -82.737 to 206.843 kPa
Comment Wireless communication for Fluke Connect
729 150G FC
Psi range, resolution -12.000 to 150.000 psi
Bar range, resolution -0.8273 to 10.3421 bar
kPa range, resolution -82.73 to 1034.21 kPa
Comment Wireless communication for Fluke Connect
729 300G FC
Psi range, resolution -12.000 to 300.000 psi
Bar range, resolution -0.8273 to 20.6843 bar
kPa range, resolution -82.73 to 2068.43 kPa
Comment Wireless communication for Fluke Connect
729CN 200K
Psi range, resolution -12.0000 to 30.0000 psi
Bar range, resolution -0.82737 to 2.06842 bar
kPa range, resolution -82.737 to 206.843 kPa
Comment For China, no wireless communication
729CN 1M
Psi range, resolution -12.000 to 150.000 psi
Bar range, resolution -0.8273 to 10.3421 bar
kPa range, resolution -82.73 to 1034.21 kPa
Comment For China, no wireless communication
729CN 2M
Psi range, resolution -12.000 to 300.000 psi
Bar range, resolution -0.8273 to 20.6843 bar
kPa range, resolution -82.73 to 2068.43 kPa
Comment For China, no wireless communication
729CN 200K FC
Psi range, resolution -12.0000 to 30.0000 psi
Bar range, resolution -0.82737 to 2.06842 bar
kPa range, resolution -82.737 to 206.843 kPa
Comment For China, wireless communication for Fluke Connect
729CN 1M FC
Psi range, resolution -12.000 to 150.000 psi
Bar range, resolution -0.8273 to 10.3421 bar
kPa range, resolution -82.73 to 1034.21 kPa
Comment For China, wireless communication for Fluke Connect
729CN 2M FC
Psi range, resolution -12.000 to 300.000 psi
Bar range, resolution -0.8273 to 20.6843 bar
kPa range, resolution -82.73 to 2068.43 kPa
Comment For China, wireless communication for Fluke Connect
729JP 200K
kPa range, resolution -82.737 to 206.843 kPa
Comment For Japan, no wireless communication
729JP 1M
kPa range, resolution -82.73 to 1034.21 kPa
Comment For Japan, 1 MPa range, no wireless communication
729JP 2M
kPa range, resolution -82.73 to 2068.43 kPa
Comment For Japan, 2 MPa range, no wireless communication
729JP 200K FC
kPa range, resolution -82.737 to 206.843 kPa
Comment For Japan, wireless communication for Fluke Connect
729JP 1M FC
kPa range, resolution -82.73 to 1034.21 kPa
Comment For Japan, wireless communication for Fluke Connect
729JP 2M FC
kPa range, resolution -82.73 to 2068.43 kPa
Comment For Japan, wireless communication for Fluke Connect


Electrical specification
All specifications are valid to 110% of range, except 24 mA source and simulate which are valid to 100% of range.
mA measure, source and simulate 0 mA to 24 mA
Volts dc measure 0 V dc to 30 V dc
mA dc source, simulate and measure 1 μA
Voltage dc measurement 1 mV
Accuracy 0.01% ±2 LSD all ranges (at 23 °C ±5 °C)
Stability 20 ppm of full scale /°C from -10 °C to +18 °C and 28 °C to +50 °C
mA simulate external voltage requirement 12 V dc to 30 V dc
Loop compliance voltage 24 V dc @ 20 mA
mA simulate external voltage requirement 12 V dc to 30 V dc
Temperature measurement only/100 Ω Pt(385) RTD -50 °C to 150 °C (-58 °F to 302 °F)
Temperature resolution 0.01 °C (0.01 °F)
Temperature accuracy ±0.1 °C (0.2 °F) ±0.25 °C (±0.45 °F) combined uncertainty when using 720 RTD probe (optional accessory)
Drive capability 1200 Ω without HART resistor, 950 Ω with internal HART resistor
Mechanical specification
Size (HxWxL) 7 x 27.94 x 17.27 cm (2.75 x 11 x 6.8 in)
Weight 6.5 lbs., 2.95 kg
Ingress protection IP54
Environmental specification
Operating temperature -10 °C to 50 °C for measurement, 0 °C to 50 °C for pressure control
Operating temperature with battery -10 °C to 40 °C
Battery will only charge to 40 °C
Storage temperature -40 °C to 60 °C
Operating altitude 3000 m
Storage altitude 13000 m
Wireless (729 FC only)
Radio frequency certification FCC ID: T68-FBLE IC:6627A-FBLE
Wireless radio frequency range 2412 MHz to 2462 MHz




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