Pico 3425 (USB) Differenciál oszcilloszkóp

  • 4 csatornás USB-s differenciál oszcilloszkóp
  • 400V diferenciál bemenet
  • Magyar nyelvű menű!!!
  • 12 bit valós felbontás
  • Sávszélesség: 5MHz
  • Maximális mintavétel: 20MS/s
  • Puffer memória: 512MS
  • 5 év garancia
  • USB csatlakozás és tápellátás
  • Windows, Linux és Mac szoftver alaptartozék
  • PC alapú oszcilloszkóp spektrumanalizátor és adatgyűjtő
  • Kiemelkedő ár érték arány
  • Fejlett digitális trigger
  • Mask Limit Testing funkció
  • Matematikai csatornák
  • Automatikus mérések
  • Soros dekódolás
  • Méretek: 255 x 170 x 40 mm
  • Tömeg: cca 920g


Channels 4
Bandwidth (–3 dB) 5 MHz (3 MHz on 100 mV range)
Resolution 12 bits (16 bits in enhanced resolution mode)
Maximum sampling rate
Single channel 20 MS/s
Two channels 10 MS/s
Three or four channels 5 MS/s
Buffer memory
One channel enabled 512 k samples per channel
Two channels enabled 256 k samples per channel
Three or four channels enabled 128 k samples per channel
Input type Differential voltage
Selectable AC or DC coupling
Touch-proof BNC connectors and 4 mm GND sockets
Input impedance 12.4 M Ω (on 100 mV to 5 V ranges)
10.1 M Ω (on 10 V to 400 V ranges)
Input capacitance 12 pF
Common-mode voltage range to ensure 30 V (on 100 mV to 5 V ranges)
measurement accuracy 400 V (on 10 V to 400 V ranges)
Maximum safe voltages
Differential 400 V
Any input above scope GND 400 V (600 V transient)
Measurement category rating CAT I
Voltage ranges ±100 mV to ±400 V in 12 ranges
Voltage ± 1%
Time 50 ppm
Linearity 12 bits
Noise < 10 LSB
Operating environment
Temperature range 0 °C to 40 °C (20 °C to 30 °C for quoted accuracy)
Humidity range Minimum 5% RH non-condensing
Maximum 80% RH non-condensing, decreasing linearly to 50% at 40 °C
Storage environment
Temperature range -20 °C to 60 °C
Humidity range 5% to 90% RH non-condensing
Other environmental conditions Dry environments,
Altitude up to 2000 m,
No pollution, or only dry, non-conductive pollution
PC connection USB 2.0
Compatible with USB 1.1
Power supply From USB port
4.6 V to 5.25 V DC @ approx. 500 mA
No external power supply required
Dimensions 255 mm x 170 mm x 40 mm
(approximately 10 in x 6.7 in x 1.6 in)
Weight 920 g
(approximately 2 lb)