Pico VNA 106 6GHz Vector Network Analyzer

  • Sávszélesség: 300kHz – 6GHz
  • 118dB dinamika tartomány 10Hz-nél
  • „Quad-RX” négyszeres jelvevő architektúra az optimális pontosságért
  • 0.005dB RMS zaj pontosság 140kHz sávszélességnél
  • Ezen előnyökkel a PicoVNA 106 ideális helyszíni szervizeléshez, beüzemeléseknél és tantermi alkalmazásokhoz. A távoli automatizálási felülete kiterjeszti használatát olyan alkalmazásokhoz, mint teszt automatizálás vagy az OEM feladatok köre, amelyhez reflektometriát vagy alap átviteli méréseket kell végrehajtania elektronikai alkatrészeken, szerelvényeken és rendszereken, valamint interfész / összekötő ATE (kábel, PCB és vezeték nélküli) eszközökön; vagy anyag-, geológiai, élet-tudományi és élelmiszer-tudományi képalkotás vagy behatoló szkennelési és radar alkalmazások esetén
  • Ellenőrzés, tesztelés, jellemzés vagy kalibrálás a gyártási, forgalmazási és szervizközpontok területén
  • Szélessávú kábel és kábelköteg-teszt a gyártás, a telepítés és esetleges hiba előfordulás során
  • Antenna illesztés és hangolás során
  • Bővebb technikai specifikáció a mellékelt pdf-ben! 
  • Méretek: 174 x 286 x 61 mm
  • Tömeg: cca 1850g
  • Garancia: 3 év


Parameter Value Conditions
Measurement bandwidth 140 kHz, 70 kHz, 35 kHz, 15 kHz, 10 kHz, 5 kHz, 1 kHz, 500 Hz, 100 Hz, 50 Hz, 10 Hz
Average displayed noise floor
Band (MHz)
0.3 – 10
10 – 4000
> 4000
Typical (dB)
Max. (dB)
Relative to the test signal level set to maximum power after an S21calibration.
Ports terminated as during the isolation calibration step.
Dynamic range See graphs (typical, excludes crosstalk) 10 Hz bandwidth
Maximum (+6 dBm) test power
No averaging
Temperature stability, typical 0.02 dB/ °C for F < 4 GHz
0.04 dB/ °C for F ≥ 4 GHz
Measured after an S21 calibration
Trace noise, dB RMS
10 kHz
70 kHz
140 kHz
0.0008 dB
0.003 dB
0.005 dB
0.002 dB
0.005 dB
0.01 dB
201-point sweep covering 1 MHz to 6 GHz.
Test power set to 0 dBm.
Measurement uncertainty See table below Test level of –3 dBm
No averaging
Bandwidth 10 Hz
Ambient temperature equal to the calibration temperature.
A 12 error term calibration is assumed carried out with a good quality 3.5 mm calibration kit capable of achieving the performance specified.
Spurious responses –76 dBc typical, –70 dBc max. The main spurious response occurs at close to (2 x RF + 1.3) MHz, where RF is the test frequency in MHz. For example, when testing a bandpass filter with a centre frequency of, say 1900 MHz, an unwanted response will occur around 949.35 MHz. There may also be spurious responses close to (3 x RF + 2.6) MHz. In all known cases the levels will be as stated.
Measurement uncertainty – value
Reflection measurements Transmission measurements
Freq. range Magnitude Phase Freq. range Magnitude Phase
–15 dB to 0 dB +0 dBm to +6 dBm
< 2 MHz 0.7 < 2 MHz 0.4
> 2 MHz 0.5 > 2 MHz 0.2
–25 dB to –15 dB
< 2 MHz 0.8 10° < 2 MHz 0.2
> 2 MHz 1.0 > 2 MHz 0.1
–30 dB to –25 dB
< 2 MHz 3.0 20° < 2 MHz 0.5
> 2 MHz 2.5 15° > 2 MHz 0.3
< 2 MHz 2.0 15°
> 2 MHz 1.5 12°
Test port characteristics
Load match
16 dB, typical
46 dB, typical
40 dB, min
Source match
16 dB, typical
46 dB, typical
40 dB, min
Corrected: 47 dB, typical
40 dB, min
< 2 MHz
2 MHz – 4 GHz
4 GHz – 6 GHz
10 Hz bandwidth
Maximum (+6 dBm) test power
No averaging
Maximum input level +10 dBm, typ 1 dB compression
Maximum input level +23 dBm No damage
Impedance 50 Ω
Connectors Type N, female
Bias-T input characteristics
Maximum current 250 mA
Maximum DC voltage ±15 V
Current protection Built-in resettable fuse
DC port connectors SMB(m)
Sweep I/O characteristics
Sweep trigger output voltage Low: 0 V to 0.8 V
High: 2.2 V to 3.6 V
Sweep trigger input voltage Low: –0.1 V to 1 V
High: 2.0 V to 4 V
Sweep trigger input voltage ±6 V No damage
Sweep trigger in/out connectors BNC female on back panel
Measuring functions
Measuring parameters S11, S21, S22, S12
P1dB, 1 dB gain compression
AM-PM conversion factor
Error correction 12 error term full S-parameter correction (insertable DUT)
12 error term full S-parameter correction (non-insertable DUT)
8 error term full S-parameter unknown thru correction (non-insertable DUT)
S11 (1-port correction)
De-embed (2 embedding networks may be specified), impedance conversion
S21 (normalize, normalize + isolation)
S21 (source match correction + normalize + isolation)
Averaging, smoothing
Hanning and Kaiser–Bessel filtering on time-domain measurements
Electrical length compensation (manual)
Electrical length compensation (auto)
Effective dielectric constant correction
Display channels 4 channels
Traces 2 traces per display channel
Display formats Amplitude (logarithmic and linear)
Phase, Group Delay, VSWR, Real, Imaginary, Smith Chart, Polar, Time Domain
Memory trace One per display channel
Limit lines 6 segments per channel (overlap allowed)
Markers 8 markers
Marker functions Normal, Δ marker, fixed marker, peak / min. hold, 3 dB and 6 dB bandwidth
Sweep functions
Sweep type Linear sweep
CW sweep (timed sweep)
Power sweep (P1dB utility)
Sweep times
Bandwidth S21 cal 12-term cal
140 kHz 25 ms 37 ms
10 kHz 52 ms 88 ms
1 kHz 306 ms 0.6 s
100 Hz 2.85 s 5.5 s
10 Hz 28.5 s 57 s
10 MHz to 6 GHz, 201-point sweep. For other trace lengths and resolution bandwidths the sweep time is approximately:
where N = number of frequency points,
TMIN = minimum time per point (s2p: 169 μs; s1p: 115 μs),
FBW = bandwidth settle factor (s2p: 2.81; s1p: 1.425),
RBW = resolution bandwidth (Hz).
For sweep repetition period add rearm time (average 9.5 ms or maximum 17.5 ms).
Number of sweep points, VNA mode 51, 101, 201, 401, 801, 1001, 2001, 4001, 5001, 6001, 7001, 8001, 9001,10001
Number of sweep points, TDR mode 512, 1024, 2048, 4096
Signal source characteristics
Frequency range 300 kHz to 6.0 GHz
Frequency setting resolution 10 Hz
Frequency accuracy 10 ppm max With ambient of 23 ±3 °C
Frequency temperature stability ±0.5 ppm/ºC max Over the range +15 °C to +35 °C
Harmonics –20 dBc max With test power set to < –3 dBm
Non-harmonic spurious –40 dBc typical
Phase noise (10 kHz offset) –90 dBc/Hz [0.3 MHz to 1 GHz]
–80 dBc/Hz [1 GHz to 4 GHz]
–76 dBc/Hz [> 4 GHz]
Test signal power
F < 10 MHz:
10 MHz < F < 4 GHz:
F > 4 GHz:
–3 to –20 dBm
+6 to –20 dBm
+3 to –20 dBm
Power setting resolution 0.1 dB
Power setting accuracy ±1.5 dB
Reference input frequency 10 MHz ±6 ppm
Reference input level 0 ±3 dBm
Reference output level 0 ±3 dBm
Controlling PC data interface USB 2.0
Support for third party test software Dynamic Link Library (DLL) as part of user interface software
External dimensions (mm) 286 x 174 x 61 (L x W x H)
Excluding connectors
Weight 1.85 kg
Temperature range (operating) +15 °C to +40 °C
Temperature range (storage) –20 °C to +50 °C
Humidity 80% max, non-condensing
Vibration (storage) 0.5 g, 5 Hz to 300 Hz
Power source and current +12 to +15 V DC, 22 W
Power source connector 5.5 mm diameter hole, 2.1 mm diameter centre contact pin.
Centre pin is positive.
Host PC requirements Microsoft Windows 7, 8 or 10
2 GB RAM or more
Warranty 3 years