PicoSource AS108 8GHz Agile Synthesyzer

  • Sávszélesség: 300kHz – 8GHz
  • +/-15dBm dinamika tartomány
  • 55mikrosec frekvencia állítás 10ppm-mel
  • -100dBc/Hz fázis zaj tipikusan 1GHz-nél 10kHz eltolással
  • FM, OM és AM moduláció, belső szinusz vagy külső bemenetre
  • Külső referencia órajel I/O és trigger I/O
  • QPSK, QAM, ASK, FSK sweep módok
  • Bővebb technkai specifikáció a mellékelt pdf-ben! 
  • Programozható fázis, frekvencia és amplitudó jelszintek
  • Teljes funkciós USB vezérelt vektor modulált jel szintetizátor
  • Egyszerű, könnyű és hatékony felhasználói kezelő felület, melyen könnyen állítható az amplitudó, a frekvencia és a fázis viselkedés, beleértve a modulációt, a sweep-et és az ugrálást
  • Egy szoftver akár több egységet is tud egy időben kezelni
  • Távvezérlés az adott API használatával lehetséges
  • Méretek: 173 x 232 x 56 mm
  • Tömeg: cca 1780g
  • Garancia: 3 év


Standard conditions are ambient temperature between 15°C and 30°C, 20 minutes after power-up.
Carrier wave
Parameter Applicable range and values Condition
Frequency range 300 kHz to 8.192 GHz
Frequency resolution
300 kHz to 125 MHz 1 Hz
> 125 MHz to 4 GHz 10 Hz
> 4 GHz 20 Hz
Frequency settling time
55 μs maximum 50 μs typical
to ±10 ppm
Frequency accuracy (internal reference) ±5 ppm
Output power range −15 dBm to +15 dBm
Output power resolution 0.1 dBm
Output power setting accuracy ±1.5 dB
Output match (VSWR)
1.8:1 maximum 1.4:1 typical
Output amplitude settling time
to ±1 dB 25 μs maximum
to ±0.1 dB 200 μs maximum
Output protection 25 V DC pk and 20 dBm
Phase noise at 10 kHz offset
1 GHz −98 dBc/Hz maximum −100 dBc/Hz typical
2 GHz −94 dBc/Hz maximum −96 dBc/Hz typical
4 GHz −88 dBc/Hz maximum −90 dBc/Hz typical
8 GHz −83 dBc/Hz maximum −85 dBc/Hz typical
8GHz Synthesizer Measured phase noise at 1 GHz
−20 dBc maximum −26 dBc typical
Output power set to +10 dBm
−40 dBc maximum −46 dBc typical
Output power set to +10 dBm
−50 dBc maximum −60 dBc typical
Output power set to +10 dBm
Sweep, hop and list modes
Parameter Applicable range and values Condition
Sweep, hop or list parameters Frequency; level; phase; frequency and level; phase and level
Discrete sweep or list points 2 to 10 001 Hop is a special case of sweep with only two points.
Frequency stepping dwell time 27 to 65 500 µs Excepting any step exceeding ±2.2 GHz to or from the frequency band 7.0 GHz to 8.0 GHz, minimum dwell 100 µs.
Parameter Applicable range and values Condition
Frequency range internal sine source 10 Hz to 5 kHz
Internal modulation sample rate 37 kS/s Sampled sideband spurs are generated at 37 kHz offset. At 1 kHz modulation typically < -30 dB relative to sidebands.
Frequency resolution and accuracy 1 Hz resolution ± 0.1% accuracy
AM depth range
For carrier at 0 dBm 5% minimum 90% maximum
0 dBm to 9 dBm 5% minimum 50% maximum
FM deviation 2% carrier frequency or 200 kHz maximum
PM deviation ±180°
External modulation input bandwidth DC coupled to 10 kHz
External modulation input sampling AM: 125 kS/s
FM/PM: 89 kS/s at 12-bit resolution
Sampled sideband spurs are generated at 125 / 89 kHz offset. At 1 kHz modulation typically < -50 dB relative to sidebands.
External modulation input sensitivity
BNC(f) 600 Ω ±1 Vpk typical
for selected depth or deviation
External modulation input protection ±5 V DC + AC pk
Synchronization I/O
Parameter Interface and values Condition
Internal 10 MHz reference output
BNC(f) 50 Ω −3 dBm minimum 0 dBm typical
Into 50 Ω
External reference input
BNC(f) 50 Ω −6 dBm sensitivity 6 dBm maximum
External reference lock range
±5 ppm
Trigger input threshold voltage
BNC(f) 1 kΩ 0.5 V minimum 2.6 V maximum
Trigger output logic levels
BNC(f) Low 0.5 V maximum High 3.6 V minimum
Low 0.2 V maximum High 1.2 V minimum
Into 1 kΩ
Into 50 Ω
Trigger output rise and fall times
40 ns maximum
Into 50 Ω
Trigger in to trigger out delay
0.5 ± 0.1 µs
Gives a lead of 17.5 µs to frequency / phase step, 37.5 µs to a level step.
Trigger out to triggered event delay 17.5 µs typical Frequency or phase step
37.5 µs typical Level step
Dwell period holds off (prevents receipt of) a further trigger.
Trigger input protection ±10 V DC + AC peak
Trigger output protection ±4 V DC + AC peak
Reference I/O protection 4 V AC p-p ±15 V DC
Miscellaneous and environmental specifications
Parameter Applicable range, values and standards Condition
Power requirements +12 V to +15 V DC, 12 W, 2.1 mm jack, centre pin positive
Control interface USB 2.0
Dimensions W 173 mm x L 232 mm x H 56 mm Excluding connectors
Weight 1.78 kg
Operating environment +5°C to +40°C, 80% RH non-condensing, Pollution Degree 2
Storage environment −20°C to +50°C, 80% RH non-condensing, Pollution Degree 2
Vibration tolerance 0.5 g 5 Hz to 300 Hz
Safety Declared conforming to:
EN61010-1:2010 and EN61010-2-030:2010
Safety requirements for electrical equipment for measurement, control and laboratory use, general requirements and for testing and measuring circuits.
EMC Declared conforming to:
EN61326-1:2013 Electrical equipment for measurement, control and laboratory use – EMC requirements. Group 1, Class B. (Emissions) EN61326-1:2013 Electrical equipment for measurement, control and laboratory use – EMC requirements. Basic Environment. (Immunity) EN61326-2-1:2013 Part 2-1: Test configurations, operational conditions and performance criteria for sensitive test and measurement equipment for unprotected applications.
CFR 47 Code of Federal Regulations FCC: part 15 Subpart B – Frequency devices – unintentional radiators. Radiated emissions standard. Class A.
Warranty 3 years
ECCN coding EAR99