Fluke Norma 4000/ 5000 teljesítmény analizátor

  • A részletes modell ismertetőt a mellékelt pdf fájlban találja pontos típusszámokkal
  • Fázisok száma: 1-3
  • Kompakt teljesítmény analizátor, ami segíti a mérnököket a villanymotorok, inverterek, világítástechnikai berendezések, tápegységek, transzformátorok, autóipari részegységek és berendezések fejlesztésében és tesztelésében
  • Egyszerű felhasználó kezelőfelülettel rendelkezik, mely könnyű és intuitv használatot biztosít
  • Mér feszültséget, áramot és teljesítmény harmónikusokat (40-ik felharmónikusig) a komplett analízis során
  • A hagyomásnyos beállítások variációt szolgáltatja így a felhasználó ki tudja választani a neki megfelelő szükséges funkciót, ami az egyedi alkalmazásához szükséges
  • Alkalmazási területek:
  • Villanymotorok és inverteres meghajtó rendszerek
  • Inverteres hajtások
  • Világító (fényforrás) rendszerek
  • Transzformátorok
  • Autós részegységek
  • További hasznos tulajdonságok:
  • Az összes vizsgált fázis adatainak egyidejű megjelenítése
  • Kompakt műszerház kis helyigénnyel
  • Galvanikusan leválasztott bemenetek
  • FFT analízis, Vektor diagram, Digitális Oszcilloszkóp üzemmód (DSO)
  • Felhasználó által meghatározható átlagolási idő dinamikus mérések során
  • 4MB belső memória, mely bővíthető 128MB-ig
  • PC csatlakozás: RS232 és USB (standard), IEEE488, Ethernet és USB 2.0 (opcionális)
  • Nyomaték és sebsség mérése külső szenzorokkal és 4 analóg kimenet motor és hajtás alkalmazásokhoz
  • 341kHz-1MHz közötti mintavétel
  • Sávszélesség DC3MHz-ig és DC 10MHz-ig
  • Fluke NormaView PC szoftver letöltéshez, analizáláshoz és riport készítéshez
  • Flexibilis és teljesen konfigurálható határértékekkel rendelkezik és skálázható faktorokkal, melyek lehetővé teszik a felhasználó számára, hogy részletes kritériumokat hozzon létre a zavarok észleléséhez és az adatok rögzítéséhez
  • Méretek: 150 x 237 x 315 mm
  • Tömeg: cca 5000g
  • Garancia: 2 év


General Specifications
Number of Phases 1 to 3
Weight Approx. 5 kg (11 lb)
Size 150 x 237 x 315 mm
5.9 x 9.3 x 12.4 in
On-board Printer No
Display Color, 5.7 in / 144 mm – 320 x 240 pixel
User-selectable background lighting and contrast.
Bandwidth DC to 3 MHz or DC to 10 MHz depending on input module
Basic Accuracy 0.2%, 0.1% or 0.03% depending on input modules
Sampling Rate 0.33 MHz or 1 MHz depending on input modules
Voltage Input Range 0.3 V to 1000 V
Current Input Range (direct, not via shunt) 0.03 mA to 20 A depending on input module
Memory for Configurations 4 MB
Memory for Settings 0.5 MB
Fast Fourier Transformation (FFT) To the 40th harmonic
RS232/USB Interface Standard
PI1 Process interface (8 analog/impulse inputs and 4 analog outputs) Optional
IEEE 488.2/GPIB interface (1 MBit/s Ethernet / 10 MBit/s or 100 MBit/s) Optional
Fluke NormaView PC software (for data download, analysis and report writing) Standard
Basic Functions
Fast Fourier Transformation (FFT) Calculation of harmonics with graphical representation. Up to 3 bar graphs are displayed at the same time.
Measured values: U, I, P per phase
Order: 1st to 40th harmonics, maximum half sample frequency
Digital Oscilloscope (DSO) Simultaneous display of up to 3 measured values on sample level. Quick view of curve form and distortion.
Integration function (energy) Simultaneous display of up to 6 configurable numeric values. Start/Stop conditions and positive negative direction available.
Vector Display Vector display of HO1 up to 6 signals. For easy testing of the right connection of the instrument and quick overview of the phase angle of each signal.
Recorder Display of average values over time for trend determination.
RAM data memory Storing of sample and average values; setting of start and stop conditions.
From the RAM approximately 4 MB are available for the storage of measured values.
Configuration Set up the analyzer to measure and display data in the format required.
Ambient Conditions
Working Temperature Range 5°C to 35°C (41°F to 95°F)
Storage Temperature Range -20°C to 50°C (-4°F to 122°F)
Housing Material Fluke Norma Power Analyzers are extremely compact and equipped with a solid metal case to meet stringent EMC requirements.
Climatic Class KYG DIN 40040, max. 85% relative humidity, non-condensing.
Power supply 85 V AC to 264 V AC, 50 Hz to 60 Hz, DC 100 to 260 V, ca. 40 VA European plug with switch. Binding post for current available on some models.
Measuring Inputs Safety sockets 4 mm, 2 for each input. External shunt connection over BNC socket.
Operation Membrane keyboard with cursor – function keys and direct functions.
Connections Rear panel of the 3-phase Analyzer
Measured Values
Non-gapping calculation of averaged values for each phase. In three phase system additionally calculation of total power and averaging of V and I of the three phases. The fundamental H01 will be calculated in synchronous mode also for these values.

  • Urms effective value, Urm rectified mean, Um mean value
  • Up-, Up+, Upp peak values
  • Ucf crest factor Ucf, Uff form factor
  • Ufc fundamental content
  • Uthd distortion factor DIN, IEC
  • Irms effective value, Irm rectified mean, Im mean value
  • Ip-, Ip+, Ipp peak values
  • Icf crest factor Icf, Iff form factor
  • Ifc fundamental content
  • Ithd distortion factor DIN, IEC
  • P active power [W]
  • Q reactive power [Var]
  • S apparent power [VA]
  • ë, cos. phase angular
  • Integral function for active power P, reactive power Q, apparent power S, voltage (Um) and current (Im),
  • Number of digits 4 or 5 dependent on measured value.
Frequency and Synchronization
Range DC and 0.2 Hz to sample rate
Accuracy ±0.01% of measured value (reading)
  • Channels which can be selected: all U/I or external input.
  • One of three low pass filter with different frequencies can be switched into the signal.
  • The frequency is always visible on the top of the screen.
  • The BNC synchronization socket on backside of the instrument can be used either as input or output.
  • The input signals can be measured up to the sample rate of the power phase. The maximum level must not be higher then 50 V.
  • The output signal is a pulsed 5Volts TTL signal (frequency depends on the measured synch frequency).
Configuration Memory
Up to 15 user configurations can be saved into a permanent memory and reloaded later on. Changes that were not saved are lost after switching off the instrument.
RS232 interface for upload of firmware and data exchange with the PC. A printer can be connected over an external converter.
Options IEEE 488.2 / 1 MBit/s
Ethernet / 10 MBit/s or 100 Mbit/s
Standards and Safety
Electrical Safety EN 61010-1 / 2nd Edition 1000 V CAT II (600V CAT III)
Degree of pollution 2, safety Class I
EN 61558 for transformer
EN 61010-2-031/032 for accessories
Maximum inputs For voltage inputs Measurement range 1000 Veff, 2 kVpeak
For current inputs Measurement range 10 Aeff, 20 Apeak
Test voltage Net input case (protective conductor): 1.5 KV AC
Net connection Measurement input: 5.4 kV AC
Measurement inputs Case: 3.3 kV AC
Measurement input input: 5.4 kV
Electromagnetic susceptibility Emission IEC 61326-1, EN 50081-1, EN 55011 Class B
Immunity IEC 61326-1 / Annex A (industrial sector), EN 50082-1


Power Phases

The Fluke Norma 4000 Power Analyzer can be equipped with up to three power phases. Users can select the power phase best suited for their application.

Each modular plug-in power phase consists of a voltage and a current measurement channel. Each measuring channel is available for each basic unit, however only one kind of channel can be used per unit. Check standard configurations.

Power Phase Overview

Power Phase Channels
PP42 Accuracy 0.2% (0.1% rd + 0.1% rg)
Current range 20 A
Sampling rate 341 kHz
Bandwidth 3 MHz
PP50 Accuracy 0.1% (0.05% rd + 0.05% rg)
Current range 10 A
Sampling rate 1 MHz
Bandwidth 10 MHz
PP54 Accuracy 0.1% (0.05% rd + 0.05% rg)
Current range 10 A
Sampling rate 341 kHz
Bandwidth 3 MHz
PP64 Accuracy 0.03% (0.02% rg + 0.01% rg)
Current range 10 A
Sampling rate 341 kHz
Bandwidth 3 MHz

Current Shunts

Continuous load (Imin)
Range (Imax)
0.3 A
32 A
Nominal current (calibration point) 32 A
Basic accuracy at calibration point [%] ± 0.03
Basic accuracy at nominal current [%] ± 0.03
Nominal voltage drop [V] 320 mV
Nominal resistance [Ohm] 10 mΩ
Short time overrange
(5s load 15s interval)
100A/ 1s-5s
Overload Wmax
Bandwidth DC – 1 MHz
Frequency range
Angular accuracy [°/kHz] ± 0.1
Frequency influence [%/kHz]
Load influence [%/A2]
Temperature coefficient [ppm/K] ≤10
Weight (kg / lbs) 0.62 /1.36


Continuous load (Imin)
Range (Imax)
0.1 A 1 A 6 A
30 A 100 A 300 A
Nominal current (calibration point 10 A 30 A 100 A
Basic accuracy at calibration point [%] ± 0.03 ± 0.03 ± 0.1
Basic accuracy at nominal current [%] ± 0.03 ± 0.03 ± 0.1
Nominal voltage drop [V] 100 mV 30 mV 20 mV
Nominal resistance [Ohm] 10 mΩ 1 mΩ 0.2 mΩ
Short time overrange (5s load 15s interval) 35 A 200 A 450 A
Overload Wmax 90 W 200 W 2 kW
Bandwidth 2 MHz 2 MHz 1 MHz
Frequency range 0 to 500 kHz 0 to 200 kHz 0 to 100 kHz
Angular accuracy [°/kHz] ± 0.001 ± 0.002 ± 0.002
Frequency influence [%/kHz] ± 0.0015 ± 0.0015 ± 0.01
Load influence [%/A2] 1 x 10-6 1 x 10-6 1 x 10-6
Temperature coefficient [ppm/K] ≤15 ≤15 ≤10
Weight (kg / lbs) 0.75 / 1.65 0.75 / 1.65 1.2 / 2.65


Triaxialshunts (Cont.)
Continuous load (Imin)
Range (Imax)
2 A 18 A 18 A
450 A 1000 A 1500 A
Nominal current (calibration point 150 A 300 A 500 A
Basic accuracy at calibration point [%] ± 0.1 ± 0.1 ± 0.1
Basic accuracy at nominal current [%] ± 0.1 ± 0.1 ± 0.1
Nominal voltage drop [V] 75 mV 15 mV 30 mV
Nominal resistance [Ohm] 0.5 mΩ 0.06 mΩ 0.06 mΩ
Short time overrange (5s load 15s interval) 650 A 1500 A 2000 A
Overload Wmax 10 kW 7.5 kW 10 kW
Bandwidth DC – 500 MHz DC – 500 kHz DC – 200 kHz
Frequency range 0 to 100 kHz 0 to 20 kHz 0 to 20 kHz
Angular accuracy [°/kHz] ± 0.025 ± 0.025 ± 0.025
Frequency influence [%/kHz] ± 0.03 ± 0.03 ± 0.03
Load influence [%/A2] 0.5 x 10-6 0.2 x 10-6 0.5 x 10-6
Temperature coefficient [ppm/K] ≤10 ≤10 ≤10
Weight (kg / lbs) 6 / 13.2 5.3 / 11.7 6 / 13.2