Fluke 725Ex Robbanásbiztos multifunkciós folyamatkalibrátor


Measurement Accuracy
Voltage DC 30.000 V 0.02% + 2 counts (upper display)
10.000 V 0.02% + 2 counts (lower display)
90.00 mV 0.02% + 2 counts
-10.00 mV to 75.00 mV 0.025% + 1 count (via TC connector)
Current DC 24.000 mA 0.02% + 2 counts
Resistance 0.0 to 400.0 Ω 0.1 Ω (4-wire), 0.15 Ω (2- and 3-wire)
401 to 1500 Ω 0.5 Ω (4-wire), 1 Ω (2- and 3-wire)
1500 to 3200 Ω 1 Ω (4-wire), 1.5 Ω (2- and 3-wire)
Frequency 2.0 to 1000.0 CPM 0.05% + 1 count
1.0 to 1100.0 Hz 0.05% + 1 count
1.00 to 10.00 kHz 0.05% + 1 count
Sensitivity 1 V peak-to-peak-minimum
Pressure Accuracy from 0.025% of range using any of 8 intrinsic safe pressure modules (for detailed specifications refer to pressure modules in options and accessories). Modules available for differential, gauge, vacuum, absolute, dual and high pressure.
Source Accuracy
Voltage DC 100.00 mV 0.02% + 2 counts
10.000 V 0.02% + 2 counts
-10.00 mV to 75.00 mV 0.025% + 1 count (via TC connector)
Current DC 24.000 mA (source) 0.02% + 2 counts
24.000 mA (simulate) 0.02% + 2 counts
Resistance 15.0 to 400.0 Ω 0.15 Ω (exc. current 0.15 to 0.5 mA), 0.1 Ω (exc. current 0.5 to 2 mA)
401 to 1500 Ω 0.5 Ω (excitation current 0.05 to 0.8 mA)
1500 to 3200 Ω 1 Ω (excitation current 0.05 to 0.4 mA)
Frequency 2.0 to 1000.0 CPM 0.05%
1.0 to 1100.0 Hz 0.05%
1.00 to 10.00 kHz 0.25%
Waveform 5 V p-p squarewave, -0.1 V offset
RTDs and Thermocouples
Measure accuracy NI-120 0.2°C
PT-100 (385) 0.33°C
PT-100 (393) 0.3°C
PT-100 (JIS) 0.3°C
PT-200 (385) 0.2°C
PT-500 (385) 0.3°C
PT-1000 (385) 0.2°C
Resolution 0.1°C
J 0.7°C
K 0.8°C
T 0.8°C
E 0.7°C
R 1.8°C
S 1.5°C
B 1.4°C
L 0.7°C
U 0.75°C
N 0.9°C
Resolution J, K, T, E, L, N, U: 0.1°C, 0.1°F B, R, S: 1°C, 1°F
XK 0.6°C
BP 1.2°C
Source accuracy NI-120 0.2°C
PT-100 (385) 0.33°C
PT-100 (393) 0.3°C
PT-100 (JIS) 0.3°C
PT-200 (385) 0.2°C
PT-500 (385) 0.3°C
PT-1000 (385) 0.2°C
Resolution 0.1°C
Accuracy stated for 4-wire measurement.
J 0.7°C
K 0.8°C
T 0.8°C
E 0.7°C
R 1.4°C
S 1.5°C
B 1.4°C
L 0.7°C
U 0.75°C
N 0.9°C
Resolution J, K, T, E, L, N, U: 0.1°C, B, R, S: 1°C
XK 0.6°C
BP 1.2°C
Ramp functions Source functions Voltage, current, resistance, frequency, temperature
Ramps Slow ramp, Fast ramp, 25% step-ramp
Loop power function Voltage 12 V
Accuracy 10%
Maximum current 22 mA, short circuit protected
Step functions Source functions Voltage, current, resistance, frequency, temperature
Steps 25% of range, 100% of range
Safety specifications
Agency approvals I.S. Class I, Division 1 Groups B-D
Mechanical and General Specifications
Size 130 x 236 x 61 mm (5.188 x 9.291 x 2.402 in)
Weight 0.85 kg (1.874 lbs.)
Batteries 4 AA alkaline batteries
Warranty Three year
Battery replacement Separate battery compartment, accessible without breaking calibration seal
Side port connections Pressure module connector


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